David Cantwell Photography provides a business to business portrait and lifestyle photography service
Corporate Photography can help communicate who you are, who the people in your company are and what your company's beliefs & values are."You'll never get a second chance to make a great first impression". We help you make a great first impression! We can visit your business to photograph staff at work for your corporate photography or staff headshots for profile pictures
Lifestyle Photography can help define your identity, show your products in action or the service you provide, and add visual interest to your marketing campaign. We all like to think that our purchase decisions are based on careful calculations and the balancing of needs but most of the time purchases are based on emotional factors. Many companies use lifestyle photography for their Hero Images because they can be used to show your company's unique selling point (USP) in a emotive way and as effective call to action tools. Our lifestyle photography tells an emotive story that engages and captivates your audience and moves them in the direction that you want
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